Saturday, December 15, 2007

Thoughts - December 8, 2007

We are starting to do last things – this is the last time we will do this or that before we leave. It makes it more real when you think this way. We’re also wondering why does moving seem so BIG? When Brad was in the Navy we moved very frequently. By the time our daughter Whitney was nine she had lived in eight different states and nine different cities. We always looked forward to moving.

Now it feels different. It’s not a lack of excitement for where we are going and what we are doing. But there seems to be a sadness this time that we have never experienced with our past moves. Could it be this time we are not taking our kids with us. With all the other moves our kids always went with us. Could it also be this time the move is about taking the gospel to those who have never heard which brings into play spiritual warfare?

Of course we do have the additional attachment here of our granddaughter. But then we think, we’re not the first people to live a great distance from their grandchildren. Sometimes when we share with people our struggle with leaving our granddaughter we feel guilty. As if we’re acting like we are the only people who have ever been in this situation. We are just trying to be honest about where we are at this time.

We were told early on that every person who goes to the mission field has a major obstacle to overcome. The obstacle is not the same for each person, but each person will have one they must overcome to get to the field and be successful. Perhaps this is ours.

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