Friday, January 11, 2008

January 11, 2008

This morning Brad had to go to some more meetings for about an hour. We move to another country and we still have to go to meetings. Saul (the Honduran man in charge of the Bible institute)l came to the house this morning and he and Brad got to spend some time just talking. He has taken English classes for several months and his English is pretty good. Brad tries to throw in some spanish every now and then in the conversation just to see if he is even close. It's probably less than a 50% success rate at this point.

Cindy got to see her first patient today. One of the little girls here named Gracie. She got a warning that they were bring her down and some of the symptons she was having. While Cindy was waiting for Gracie to get here she was in the house looking through Cindy's medical books for a possible diagnosis. She handled the situation and has asked her first patient to come back and see her tomorrow.

Brad has been put in charge of setting up the new computer lab for the school at Faith Home. Brad is not the best or most patient person with computers. This should be interesting.

In the afternoon Brad met with Saul and the head of Genreral Baptist International missions to talk about the Bible Institute, the existiing churches, and the immediate game plan for starting new churches.

We have a plan to attack the odor situation. We are going to move to another house for a few days and try a few of the things Cindy found on the internet along with suggestions from our neighbors (the Smiths) to attack this problem. it's all out war now.

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