Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 4, 2008

Needed to get some gas today. Went to one of the stations we usually buy gas from and before would could even stop the truck they were waving us off. Telling us we couldn’t get any gas. We went to another gas station and the same thing happened. A little frustrating that you can’t get gas at a GAS station. It ended up we had to drive to San Pedro Sula – about 30 minutes away – just to get gas. So our one hour trip resulted in us being gone from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm. Once you get into the city you might as well do everything you need to do in the city because it can be such a hassle to go. Plus while you’re there people are calling you asking if you can pickup things for them while you’re there. Time just seems to disappear once you get to the city because nothing can be done quickly.

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