Wednesday, October 22, 2008

October 9, 2008 Christmas Party

Our Sunday School class at Main Street General Baptist Church in Boonville, IN had asked us what we would like when we came to the States in October (our planned trip to the States). Last year our class had gotten together for a Christmas party in December and it was a nice, relaxing, very enjoyable evening. Cindy mentioned since we were going to be in Honduras for Christmas she would like a Christmas party in October. She was thinking meeting somewhere for supper and just having a nice meal together at some restaurant - like last year.

Oh no. Our class had other ideas. We arrived at the church tonight for the Christmas party and were greeted at the door and directed to enter through a specific door. When we entered the gym there were Christmas lights laid out on the floor to form a walking path all the way down the length of the basketball court leading to a room at the opposite end. When we to got the room our class and another class were all there, seated at tables decorated for Christmas. Their room had Christmas decorations hanging from the ceiling and a large decorated Christmas tree.

After taking seats at one of the tables our leader, Jack, had us close our eyes and he explained to us it was December 15th with snow on the ground and Christmas shopping complete. Now that our time travel was complete it was time to eat. Potluck - yeah! - with all the Christmas fixings. (turkey, ham, dressing, beans, m&c, broccoli casserole, potatoes, etc. including a variety of desserts). Had to go back for a second round.

After eating the classes presented us with some gifts (so humbling it brought tears to our eyes). Then it was time for people to share some Christmas memories. Some were funny and some serious. Next, we sang Christmas carols as a group.

What a night and what a great group of people. Thanks so much for making it such special night.

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