Friday, December 12, 2008

December 10, 2008 - Why?

(Brad) Why is it so easy to read a book about the Bible but more difficult to read The Bible? Why is it easier to read the Bible than it is to pray? I can read books about the Bible. Lots of books about the Bible. What others have to say about the Bible, what is in the Bible, what the words in the Bible mean in our lives. But to pick up the Bible and read it, just read it, can be difficult. Studying the Bible is no problem. Picking up the Bible and studying it to learn more about some topic, idea, concept, or question is easy. But to pick up the Bible and read it just doesn't happen regularly.

Then there is prayer. Oh, I pray a little here, a little there, many times throughout a day. But why is it easier to watch a movie than to pray?

We say prayer is the so important. I say prayer is so important. Prayer is where the Battle is fought. Prayer is where we do the majority of the battle. But we spend more time "doing" things. I need to get this done. Or, I need to get this or that started. Thinking, if I do these things then I'm doing something productive. I'm accomplishing something. If we believe prayer is really that important (if I believe prayer is that important) then why don't I (we) say this or that may not get done today (or ever) but I'm spending my time doing the really important thing. I'm praying. I am spending the next hour, two hours, praying and if I "do" nothing and spend the time in prayer then I am accomplishing more than if I "do something" and spend only a few minutes in prayer.

I read the story of David Wilkerson who has been in New York working with gangs, drug addicts, etc. for many years. Author of the The Cross and The Switchblade. A young minister came to him and told David he wanted to work with him in New York. David asked the young minister how much he prayed everyday. The young minister responded that he prayer 10 -15 minutes everyday. Wilkerson replied when you are praying two hours a day then you can work with me. Until you get to that point you are not prepared to work in this environment. Wow! Now that's doing what you say.

That's where I want to be. I want to stop saying one thing and doing another. I want to stop saying how important is prayer but spending so little time praying. If spiritual warfare, spiritual battles are real, and I believe they are more than I ever have before, then the Bible is clear that our battles are not fought in this physical realm but in the spiritual realm (Ephesians 6). Shouldn't my number one priority be to spend a long time in prayer everyday. Not when it is convenient or when there are not interruptions, but scheduled into my day to pray for a significant period of time everyday.

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