Monday, October 29, 2007

Learning Experience

(Brad) We received an email from Jack Eberhardt on October 22, 2007 letting us know they are purchasing our tickets for Honduras. We are scheduled to leave January 7, 2008. Wow, an actual, real date. This seemed to have more of an impact on me than Cindy. As we go through this process we are learning that what generates concern (ok, let’s be honest - it’s really stress) in one of us has little or no impact on the other and vice versa. I begin thinking about all the “stuff” that would need to be done before we left. Trying to remember it all seemed to increase my stress. So, I went (read I was kicked out of the house by Cindy because of my bad attitude – she was definitely right) to Barnes and Nobles, took out a notebook, and wrote down all the stuff I could think of that would need to be done. After getting it all on paper I looked at the list, leaned back, said “wow” or “oh my gosh” or something along those lines. I must have said it pretty loud because a guy two tables away jerked his head up from the book he was reading and looked at me that look of “are you ok?” or was the “what’s wrong with you buddy?” I will assume it was the first one – it makes me feel better.

During this same time Cindy was struggling with something else and when she tried to share it with me my response was not to listen to what she was saying and try to help. Nope, my response was to jump on her and make it worse. For three days after my wonderful response I’m going around feeling terrible and not sure how to make it better. Here is this beautiful lady who is stepping out to follow God to Honduras and wants to share with her husband some stuff she’s struggling with about this move. What does the loving husband do? Act like a jerk.

Wednesday night we finally talked for a long time. I was just happy she would even consider still talking to me. I believe this entire process from April until we leave is about getting us ready for Honduras. Sometimes I forget that in the day-to-day activities of getting ready to go. We have to remember the principle we’ve established of “Primero pienso sobre el espiritual” which is our best Spanish for “First think about the spiritual.” Meaning when situations arise our first thoughts should be what is/are the spiritual implication(s) of what is happening and not to first become defensive or take things personally. Great principle. Not always so easy to implement in the heat of a situation. The best way to be prepared and not be caught off-guard when this stuff comes up is to spend significant amounts of time in prayer each day just letting God get your mind and heart right. Better start doing what I say!

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