Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thoughts & Lessons

Brad spent some time with Carl Mann talking about the gifts of the Spirit, being led by the Spirit, recognizing the gifts in other people, and how to help people grow in being led by the Spirit while at the same time not letting things go so far off track that people get hurt (my concern in this area). The problem in talking with Carl is that he doesn’t know the Bible very well and so simply gives his opinion instead of referencing what the Bible says. Ok, for those who know Carl they immediately realize this is exactly the opposite of what it’s like talking with Carl. For those who don’t know Carl – he is a walking Bible constantly referencing the Bible as he talks.

Cindy was talking with Sheryl Walts recently about how hard it is for us to ask people to support us financially. Sheryl told her it’s pride. Our pride makes it hard for us to ask. At first we thought we maybe there is some pride involved with not wanting to be turned down but we really didn’t see how pride was the real issue. As we thought about it more we realized it was pride. Not pride of being turned down – rejected. Pride of having to admit that we can’t do this ourselves. We have to rely on others. It is the pride of giving up control and self-sufficiency that is the obstacle.

God is teaching us a lot through this process. When He is confident we have learned what we need to learn then He will get us to Honduras. Patience while this learning process is progressing is not always easy.

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