Sunday, July 20, 2008

July 12, 2008

What happened with the pastors and the churches while we were in Guatemala? Well, let's see!
1. The budget idea with the pastors managing the budget didn't go as planned. Not that they spent more than was allowed, but that they really didn't use the budget as a tool for managing the money. However, this has provided great info about where we need to go with managing the money and where we need to focus our efforts in learning to use a budget.
2. The Month Long Bible Institute Classes: The month long course did reconvene in May with one more student than the February class - we had five students this time. But only for about a week. Then Juan Bonilla (one of our pastors who has been very sick for many months) passed away. Two of his children were students at the Bible Institute. They returned home taking with them another student who lives in their area. It's not always the best idea to ride the bus for long distances by yourself so it was best if the other student returned home with them. We are hoping to begin these classes again in August.
3. The Sunday Bible Institute Classes: This begin in June and now has three students - all local pastors.

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