Friday, July 18, 2008

July 4, 2008

We have spent the past week with a high school group from Delaware. They did VBS in five local schools. Doing a session in the morning and a session in the afternoon. Most schools in Honduras are only for half a day. So at three of the schools they did VBS in the morning and then again for the afternoon classes. During the four days they saw about 3,000 very excited children who loved having them here. The group worked so hard and both the children and the teachers of the school seemed to really appreciate them.

The VBS team had to deal with pigs and piglets in the school yard during the recreation time, cows wandering around and at one school a very upset and large bull roaming the the perimeter of the school fence.

In addition, one of the high school kids was drafted by one of the schools to teach an English class. The school had an English class that day and their English teacher wasn't there, so one of the team members filled in.

1 comment:

davidmarvel_2011 said...

I will never forget the day that I taught that English. Seeing the smiles on their face when i walked in and told them I was asked to help them learn English. I nearly had tears in my eyes as they screamed the numbers back at me when I asked them to repeat. It was something i had not prepared myself for and was without a doubt the most powerful moment of that trip for me.