Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 26, 2008 Passports

Hey, today we are legal again. Not sure if we've been legally in the country since we returned from Guatemala. When we went through immigration at the airport in Honduras, upon returning from Guatemala, the gentleman at the desk didn't stamp our passports OR give us the piece of paper we need to be able to leave the country. Brad went back to him and told him we needed the paper. The guy didn't seem to want to give us the paper so Brad didn't push him on stamping our passports also.

We have begun the process of applying for permanent residence status. While we wait we can get our passports stamped, in the country, showing we have applied. However, those stamps are only good for a maximum of two months. Our stamps expired while we were in Guatemala. Therefore, we had to pay a $100 fine each and then the $20, or so per month, for the renewal of our stamp. Well, since our's had expired our lawyer had to take our passports to the capital (about 4 hours away) to work some magic there and get us legal again. However, he wasn't going back to the capital until some other stuff for Faith Home was taken care of.

Therefore, we have been a little reluctant to stray too far from Faith Home since the police at the road blocks have been sticklers about wanting to see your passport and checking that they are up to date.

So, today, our lawyer brought us our passports, with the bill, and with the appropriate stamp. We are now legal again until September 6th.

This renewal headache may go on for awhile since the head of immigration in Honduras just walked out of the office and quit about a month ago. They are having a presidential election in November and the president appoints the head of immigration. So nobody wants to take the job because they will probably be fired when the new president takes office after the election. So, our permanent resident application process is in limbo because nobody wants to sign the forms. How fun.

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