Monday, April 14, 2008

April 14, 2008

Cindy took her Grado A test (nope, not an incorrect spelling) and passed.

Ok, it’s 9:07 pm and we’re talking to our son, Michael, on Skype. Then the room starts shaking, the windows are rattling, and the ground is moving. Yep, it’s our first tremor that we can feel. We are a little slow to respond and by the time Cindy gets outside everyone else is already there. It lasted for about 20 – 30 seconds, but we must say, it seemed longer when your sitting here waiting for ground beneath you TO STOP MOVING. Not the most comforting experience when it‘s almost bedtime.

The “locals” tell us the tremors are a positive because they alleviate the pressure so we won’t have the “Big One”. Guess we will just have to trust them on this. Hope their right.

1 comment:

Jenny B said...

we had an earthquake in Evansville today. Kinda weird?! Did you see the picture of my kids that Andi took?