Friday, April 4, 2008

April 4, 2008

Cindy is not sure why she needs to be at language school. She feels she is already at the Master of Spanish level and is speaking it fluently. Today she told our host family their garage door was bored (she meant to say open). She told her instructor our son is purple (she meant dark skinned). At lunch Lesbia asked her to pass the tortillas and she passed the salad. And she just told our host family we would like to live under the house. How much more does she really need to learn? And for all her Bolivia friends Cindy says she may just go to Chichicastenango. Come on down and join us!


John & Stella Bennett said...

Dear Brad & Cindy
You made my day. Great to hear from you, it looks like a great place to live.
Love John & Stella

John & Stella Bennett said...

Brad & Cindy,
I enjoyed the pictures. I would love the warm weather. We finally had two nice days in a row. It has been raining a lot and have a great deal of flooding.

Peace and prayers,