Monday, April 21, 2008

April 21, 2008

Our normal schedule is eat lunch about 1:30 and then supper is not served until around 8:00 pm. So, we try to get a snack in town around 5:00 – 6:00 to hold us until supper. Today we decide to split a banana split (lots of spits there). On the streets here there are many people who beg and will just come up to you and ask for money. Many are children. Back to the story. While we were ordering our banana split a young boy (maybe 10) came up and asked us for money. We gave our usual response “No”. Normally they continue to ask several more times. This young man simply accepted our “No” and stood looking at the ice creams in the case. We looked at each other and agreed we would buy the young man an ice cream cone. Somehow the communication between us, the young man, and the lady making the banana split didn’t go as we expected. Before we could figure out what was happening the lady is asking the young man which ice creams he wants in HIS banana split. His banana split? How did this get to be His banana split? Too late now. The little guy has weaseled an entire banana split out of us. At least he gave us a very nice, polite, and genuine “Gracias” as he walked out the door eating His banana split and leaving us to pay.

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